5 reasons why traveling as a SOLO traveler is the BEST idea.

Linda Dobrovodská
2 min readFeb 12, 2022


Have you thought about traveling to some foreign country alone? Or have you always wanted to go on vacation or a trip but the problem was you didn´t have any travel friends and you didn´t want to go alone?

I can tell you, in the beginning, I was afraid to travel alone. I wouldn´t go anywhere alone. Even in Slovakia, I wouldn´t go to a restaurant alone, it would be really awkward. I was telling myself. Until one day it has changed. I went on Erasmus.

I came live for half of the year to a foreign country pretty alone. My English at that time wasn´t that good but I knew how to speak. Of course, if there were English-speaking people around me I could ask something them. Because the country where I came to was Portugal and their official language is Portuguese. So there were not that many people who could speak English. I was glad that I had my own data which I could use to translate what I needed to the Portuguese language. It saved my life so many times. But after a while, I learned some phrases in Portuguese and my life become much easier. From that point, I was learning more and more about the county and culture and I grew with time.

Trip to Portugal-Aveiro-Coimbra

When I wouldn´t go alone to my Erasmus program, I wouldn´t be able to find new friends, I wouldn´t be forced to speak in English every day. I became more independent and prepared for everything that I wouldn´t do at home.

You can discover more places when you are traveling alone. No one is bothering you, stopping you, slowing you down. You can go and walk at your favorite pace. You can meet new open-minded people who are also traveling alone or meet locals and discover their habitat with them. There are so many opportunities that you can do when you are traveling alone, believe me. This is the best IDEA of what you can do! Go travel as a SOLO traveler.

After your SOLO trip, you will feel really a relief, full of energy, motivation and as well you will self-grow and the last but not the least you will be happy!

